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Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

understanding and loyalty

maybe you do not know what I've been feeling
you probably will not understand what I feel for this
you were really meant for me
special in my heart
You are like the people I love
you are the one who always can understand me better than people who are close to me
quarrel with the little things that can not be held also painful
our relationships are not always going to be okay
someday there will be a test of the exam that could damage our
patience had been tested several times in our relationship
actually I probably could not survive in the bad state
but God showed me the way
God gave me a thousand patience
gives me pleasure in this trial
Other women may be directly desperate and will leave you if you like it
but I?
I accept the mistake, I understand all that, I continue to be patient it
only this time I'm seeing a lot of test but I was always able to survive

5 Umiliya Isbatika: understanding and loyalty maybe you do not know what I've been feeling you probably will not understand what I feel for this you were really meant ...
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